Chichester Bonsai Society has been putting on this show at the Manor Nursery on the first weekend of July for 9 years, and over time this show has grown into a very respectable show. This year seven societies joined Chichester Society to put on a magnificent display of trees, everything from beginners material through to the seasoned enthusiasts. The atmosphere was friendly, with a constant flow of the general public viewing the trees, Selling their wares, were Collette Harrison/Southampton Trees, Tony Oswin/Pots and Brenda Martinex-Eslinger/Scrolls. A big thank you for Frank Weaver and his team putting this show together, its going strength to strength. Next years show will be 4&5Jul20, contact Frank for any details 01243.586195 email: [email protected].
Clubs and Members displaying:
Chichester Bonsai Society Brian Baskerville, Clive Jones, David Tate, Frank Weaver, Jock Campbell, Liz Panton, Martin Collinson Pip Maidment, Robert Palmer.
Crawley Bonsai Society David Packer, David Tate, Elizabeth Packer, Richard Milton
Eastbourne & Wealden Bonsai Society Bernie Mighall, Brian Dale, Colin George, Gillian Canham, Harvey Johnson, Kate Hawkins, Margaret Haris
Eastleigh Bonsai Society Brenda Martinex-Eslinger, Paul Eslinger
Middlesex Bonsai Society Mark Moreland, MingChen Moreland
Solent Bonsai Society Arthur Nash, Eddie Savoury, Keith Hartley, Robert Stewart
Sussex Bonsai Group Hugh McPeake, Sean Nutbeam
Wessex Bonsai Society Malcolm Driffield
Show Trophies Awarded:
Best Of Show - Sean Nutbeam / Hornbeam Best Deciduous - Sean Nutbeam / Hornbeam Best Club Display - Middlesex Bonsai Society Beat Group Planting - Malcolm Driffield / English Elm Best Evergreen - Robert Stewart / Cork Bark Black Pine Best Landscape - Keith Hartley / European Larches